Stacey B. – I started this group in 2008. I wanted an outlet for women to provide each other with resources to help guide them in this industry. To date I could not be more proud. These ladies have exceeded my expectation and have given me back more than I could ever imagine. Also our commitment to giving back to charities is very heart warming.
Tammy S. - The Baltimore Power Group has been an incredible resource to me. The endless support of the women in this group is priceless! From professional support and sharing of information and ideas, to personal support when one of us is down. The camaraderie that these women offer is beyond compare. It is so nice to have people to bounce your ideas off of that actually know what you are going through. I consider myself quite lucky.
Dawn R. -When I joined BPG, I was in a transition period of my Property Management career. I found the relationships forged through networking offered me a diverse wealth of resources both personally & professionally. I have the opportunity to connect and grow professionally through shared resources and networking, but also personally by supporting, encouraging and mentoring my sisters in commercial real estate!
Kathy K. - When I returned to the Baltimore market after working in Delaware, a dear friend invited me to a Baltimore Power Group luncheon and my new boss sponsored that luncheon. The warm introductions that day assisted me in "hitting the ground running"!
Vendor relationships ~ as a vendor I have had the need to seek partnership referrals. I have gotten trusted referrals; jobs have been seamlessly completed as a result. Our group’s quick response to email queries is so appreciated. We Powerful Women like our information delivered quickly, when needed!
Customer relationships ~ many members are my customers and I’ve gained customers through getting to know each other in our community endeavors. We don’t just do lunch!
Charitable giving ~ we support each other’s charitable passions with donations and in attendance. This has really strengthened our bond to each other.
Personally ~ my family has deep gratitude, as we have been the recipient of my sisterhood’s generosity, love, caring, sharing and prayer. My life has become richer by engaging in my community along with this powerful group of friends!
As a group we grown in strength, we are experienced, smart powerful women who continue to shape our working and living environment.
Susan M. - The power group has given me the opportunity to connect with my clients on a personal level leaving business conversations for in the office.
Vicki C. - Baltimore Power Group is an amazing group of women. Being a part of this group has expanded my knowledge of the business, my professional network, and in some areas, the way I think about day to day operations. The opportunity to meet with this group each month to share ideas and talk about our experiences has empowered me. Even more beneficial is the ability to communicate via email related to day to day occurrences. The support, advice, and guidance this generates from other professionals in our field is immeasurable.
Jackie Y. - I have found the Baltimore Power Group to be a unique networking organization, providing more personal and stronger relationships among its members, than the many other networking groups. BPG encourages and nurtures these relationships by providing multiple social events on an ongoing basis, and facilitating direct and group email interactions. The close nit group is also able to share personal victories and defeats and receive an outpouring of support from members. It is a fountain of knowledge and resource, valuable to both new and seasoned women in the industry.
Teika H. - BPG has meant the world to me – a true sisterhood with fabulously smart women who really care about your well-being and overall success in your career and personal life.
JersyAnn R. - I joined the Baltimore Power Group last year, and in my experience “the BPG is all about Support”. The group provides a network of support for members to request and exchange information. We share information about projects, do’s and dont’s, high performing vendors, and tips on best practices. Members often email the group requesting industry related information, such as janitorial calculations, help understanding leases, snow removal budgeting ideas, and other property maintenance questions. Members usually reply rather quickly, providing useful and expert information. The group meets monthly at a vendor sponsored lunch and learn. They also plan other networking and team building events to keep the members connected. Being a member of the BPG has proven to be quite beneficial to my career!
Sonya C. - I have been a member of the Baltimore Power Group since 2014. If you are a woman in the real estate industry, or a vendor who serves our industry, you are absolutely missing out if you are not a member. The Baltimore Power Group has been extremely rewarding for me both personally and professionally. If I have to miss out on a monthly luncheon, I feel like there’s a huge hole in my heart. If you want to be surrounded by experience, knowledge and expertise in our field, and be part of a group of the most incredible caring, kind and giving women in Baltimore who love to laugh, you have to join BPG!!! Just saying!!
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